Vue.js Interview Questions and Answers

Boost your Vue.js interview readiness with this curated set of Vue.js interview questions and comprehensive answers. Deepen your knowledge of this popular JavaScript framework and excel in your upcoming job interview.

1. What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces. It is designed to be incrementally adoptable and can be integrated into other projects easily.

2. Explain the concept of directives in Vue.js.

Directives are special tokens in the markup that tell the library to do something to a DOM element. Examples include `v-if`, `v-for`, and `v-bind`.

3. What is a Single-Page Application?

A Single Page Application (SPA) is a lightweight application that functions within a single web page, with no full-page reloading as the user interacts with the application. As the user consumes SPA with interactions or requests, the DOM\'s page content is dynamically updated by sending or executing said requirements asynchronously.

4. What are the key features of Vue.js?

Vue.js have several features, some of the key features of Vue.js are:

5. What is a Vue instance? How can we create a Vue instance?

The Vue instance is the root of your application. It is a Vue class instance that represents the ViewModel in the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture paradigm. The Vue instance is responsible for generating and managing the component hierarchy, as well as handling data, state management, event, and lifecycle hook.

To create a Vue instance, we simply create a new instance of the Vue class and pass in an options object that defines the properties and behavior of the instance. 

Consider below the example of creating a basic Vue instance:

var app = new Vue({  el: \'#app\',  data: {    message: \'Hello Vue!\'  }})

In this example, we have created a new Vue instance and passed in an options object with two properties:

Once the Vue instance is created, it will take over the specified DOM element and replace its contents with the template and data bindings defined in the Vue instance.

6. What is a component in Vue.js? How can we create a component?

In Vue.js, a component is a reusable and modular piece of code that encapsulates the template, style, and behaviour of a particular feature or UI element in the application. A component can be composed of other components and can communicate with other components through props and events.

To create a component in ‘Vue.js’, we can use the ‘Vue.component()’ method or define it as an object with a template, data, props, methods, computed, watch and other options.

Consider the below code to understand this:

Vue.component(\'my-component\', {  template: \'<div>{{ message }}</div>\',  data: function () {    return {      message: \'Hello from my component!\'    }  }})

In this example, we define a component called ‘my-component’ and specify its template and data options. The template option defines the HTML markup that should be rendered when the component is used, and the data option defines the initial state of the component\'s data.

To use this component, we can reference the component tag name at the place where we want to use it. Example - We can add my component as a tag. Consider the below snippet.

<div id="app">  <my-component></my-component></div>

7. What are mixins in Vue.js? Explain with an example. Also, its advantages and Disadvantages.

In Vue.js, mixins are a way to reuse code across multiple components. A mixin is essentially an object with component options that can be merged with the options of other components. When a component uses a mixin, it inherits all the properties and methods defined in the mixin.

Consider the below code to understand this better - 

// Define a mixin with a common methodconst greetingMixin = {  methods: {    greet() {      console.log("Hello, world!");    }  }};// Define a component that uses the mixinVue.component("my-component", {  mixins: [greetingMixin],  template: `    <div>      <h1>My Component</h1>      <button @click="greet()">Greet</button>    </div>  `});// Create a Vue instance with the componentnew Vue({  el: "#app"});

In the above code, we have created a mixin with the name - ‘greetingMixin’. And in the component, we are consuming it with (mixin : [ ]). Similarly, it can be utilized at multiple components reducing the code repeatability.

Mixins have certain advantages, but it is also having certain disadvantages. Some of them include the following:

Advantages Disadvantages
It Promotes code reusability. Naming conflicts can occur.
It reduces code duplication. It can make it harder to understand the behavior of a component.
It helps keep code organized and modular. It can lead to unexpected behavior if used improperly.
It can make it easier to maintain and update code. It can increase code complexity if too many mixins are used.
It can be used to extend and customize existing functionality. It may not be the best approach for all use cases.

8. What is Virtual Dom in Vue.js?

The Virtual DOM (VDOM) in Vue.js is a lightweight in-memory representation of the actual Document Object Model (DOM) of a web page. When a Vue.js component is created or updated, it creates a VDOM representation of its current state, which is then compared to the previous VDOM representation to determine the minimum set of changes that need to be made to the actual DOM to reflect the updated state.

The VDOM is used as an optimization technique to minimize the number of direct manipulations of the DOM, which can be expensive in terms of performance. Instead of updating the actual DOM every time a component\'s state changes, Vue.js uses the VDOM to calculate the most efficient way to update the DOM and then applies those changes in a batched manner. This can result in significant performance improvements, particularly in large and complex applications.

9. Can you explain the life cycle hook in vue.js?

The lifecycle hooks in Vue.js are special methods that are called at various stages of a component\'s lifecycle. These hooks allow the execution of code at specific points in the component\'s lifecycle, such as before the component is created before it is mounted, after it is updated, and before it is destroyed. 

By using these lifecycle hooks in your Vue.js components, you can execute code at specific points in the component\'s lifecycle, allowing you to perform initialization, cleanup, and other tasks as needed.

10. What are Hooks in Vue.js? Also, list various built-in Hooks.

Hooks are a new feature introduced in Vue.js 3. This allows adding logic and state management into components in a more organized and reusable way. Hooks are similar to lifecycle hooks, but they allow for encapsulation and reuse of logic across multiple components.

Vue.js provides several built-in hooks that we can use to add functionality to the components. Some of the most commonly used hooks include:

11. What is Data Binding in Vue.js? And how many types of Data Binding are there in Vue.js?

Data binding is the process of synchronizing data between the Vue instance and the DOM. It allows us to establish a connection between the data and the UI, so that any changes to the data are automatically reflected in the UI, and any changes to the UI are automatically reflected in the data.

There are three types of data binding in Vue.js:

  1. Interpolation: This is a one-way binding that allows us to embed the value of a data property into the content of an HTML element. It is denoted by double curly braces ‘{{ }}’. For example, ‘{{ message }}’ would bind the value of the message data property to the content of the HTML element.
  2. Property binding: This is a one-way binding that allows us to set the value of an HTML element\'s attribute to the value of a data property. It is denoted by the ‘v-bind’ directive. For example, (v-bind:href="url") would bind the value of the ‘url’ data property to the ‘href’ attribute of an HTML element.
  3. Two-way binding: This allows us to bind the value of a form input element to a data property, so that changes to the input elements are reflected in the data, and vice versa. It is denoted by the ‘v-model’ directive. For example, (v-model="message") would bind the value of the ‘message’ data property to the value of a form input element.

12. How do you pass data between components in Vue.js?

We can pass data between components in the following ways- 

For example:

<!-- Parent component template --><template>  <child-component :message="parentMessage"></child-component></template><!-- Child component script --><script>export default {  props: {    message: String  }}</script>

For example:

// Event bus instanceexport const bus = new Vue()// Emitting an event with data in Component Abus.$emit(\'my-event\', data)// Listening for the event and receiving data in Component Bbus.$on(\'my-event\', data => {  // Do something with the data})

For example:

// Store instance with state property and mutationexport const store = new Vuex.Store({  state: {    message: \'\'  },  mutations: {    setMessage (state, payload) {      state.message = payload    }  }})// Dispatching the mutation with data in Component Astore.commit(\'setMessage\', data)// Accessing the state property in Component Bthis.message = this.$store.state.message

13. What is the difference between one-way data flow and two-way data binding in Vue.js?

  One-way data flow Two-way data binding
Definition Data flows only from parent to child components. Data flows between parent and child components in both directions.
Syntax Data is passed down from parent to child components through props. Data is bound to form input elements using the ‘v-model’ directive.
Example <child-component :message="parentMessage"></child-component> <input v-model="message">

1. Simpler data flow, easier to track data changes. 

2. Improved performance due to unidirectional data flow.

1. Easier to handle user input and form data. 

2. Reduces the amount of code needed to handle data synchronization.


1. More complex to implement a two-way data flow. 

2. Can make it harder to track data changes.

1. Can make it harder to track data changes. 

2. More complex data flow can reduce performance.

14. What is a filter in Vue.js? Provide an example.

In Vue.js, filters are functions that can be used to transform data in a template expression. Filters allow us to apply a specific formatting or transformation to a piece of data before it is displayed in the user interface.

Filters are defined as functions that take a value as their input, perform some transformation on that value, and then return the transformed value. 

Filters can be added to a Vue.js application using the Vue.filter() method, and can then be used in template expressions using the ‘|’ character.

Example - 

Vue.filter(\'reverse\', function(value) {  // Reverse the characters in the string  return value.split(\'\').reverse().join(\'\')})new Vue({  el: \'#app\',  data: {    message: \'Hello, world!\',  },})

In this example, we have defined a reverse filter that takes a string as its input,  then it reverses the characters in the string, and then returns the reversed string. We have then created a new Vue instance, and then set the message data property to \'Hello, world!\'.

To use the reverse filter in a template expression, we can simply pipe the message property through the filter using the ‘|’ character. Consider the below snippet to understand it.

<div id="app">  <p>{{ message | reverse }}</p></div>

15. Explain the difference between ‘v-if’ and ‘v-show’ in Vue.js?

‘v-if’ and ‘v-show’ are both directives that allow conditional rendering of elements in the user interface. However, they differ in how they work and when they should be used. The differences are:

Feature v-if v-show
Initial render Element is not included in the DOM. Element is included in the DOM but hidden.
Re-render Element is added or removed from the DOM. Element\'s display style property is toggled.
Performance More efficient for elements that are rarely used. More efficient for elements that are frequently used.
Conditional logic It can be used with v-else and v-else-if. It cannot be used with v-else or v-else-if.
Use case It is best for elements that are rarely shown or hidden. It is best for elements that are frequently shown or hidden.

16. What is a template in Vue.js? How does it differ from regular HTML?

A template is a piece of HTML that defines the structure and layout of a component in a Vue.js application. These are very similar to regular HTML code, but they also include Vue-specific syntax and directives. This allows binding data to the user interface, handling user input, and conditionally rendering content based on data and user interactions.

There are differences between a Vue.js template and regular HTML. The differences are - 

17. What are Routers?

The Vue.js router is a library that allows the implementation of client-side routing in Vue.js applications. Here routing means the process of mapping URLs to specific components or views in the application. Routing allows users to navigate between different pages or views without refreshing a full page reload. So when the entire page doesn\'t refresh it feels like using a mobile / desktop application. Since the entire page didn’t get reloaded, it improves the performance also.

18. What is the difference between $emit and $on in Vue.js?

$emit $on
It is called on a child component to emit an event. It is called on a parent component to listen for an event.
It can pass data as an optional second parameter. It does not take any parameters.
It can emit events with custom names. It listens for events with a specific name.
It can be used to communicate from child to parent components. It can be used to communicate from child to parent or between sibling components.
This is typically used in the child component\'s methods section. This is typically used in the parent component\'s created or mounted hook.
It is used to trigger an action in the parent component in response to a user interaction or data change in the child component. It is used to respond to events emitted by child components and update the parent component\'s state or trigger other actions.


this.$emit(\'button-clicked\', \'Hello from the child component\')


this.$on(\'button-clicked\', this.onButtonClicked)

19. What are the global and local components in Vue.js?

Components are the fundamental building blocks of an application. This contains a piece of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code and is encapsulated into a single function and shares this code across different parts of the application. By using components, we can avoid code duplication, And we can reuse the component as many times as it is required in the application. In vue.js, components are of two types - 


// Defining a global componentVue.component(\'global-component\', {  template: `    <div>      <h1>Global Component</h1>      <p>This is a global component.</p>    </div>  `})// Using the global component in a Vue instancenew Vue({  el: \'#app\',  template: `    <div>      <global-component></global-component>    </div>  `})


// Define a local componentconst LocalComponent = {  template: `    <div>      <h1>Local Component</h1>      <p>This is a local component.</p>    </div>  `}// Use the local component in a parent componentVue.component(\'parent-component\', {  components: {    \'local-component\': LocalComponent  },  template: `    <div>      <local-component></local-component>    </div>  `})

In this example, LocalComponent is a local component that is defined within the parent component. It can only be used within parent-component or child components.

20. What are custom key modifier aliases? How do you define it?

Key modifiers are used to handle keyboard events. They allow you to listen to specific key events and perform actions in response. By default, Vue.js provides some key modifiers such as (.enter, .tab, .delete, etc). However, you can define your own custom key modifier aliases using the Vue.config.keyCodes object.

Example for defining a custom key modifier alias:

Vue.config.keyCodes.f2 = 113; // define a key modifier alias for the F2 key

In this example, we are defining a new key modifier alias for the F2 key with code 113.

Once the custom key modifier alias has been defined, you can use it in your Vue.js templates like any other key modifier.

21. Explain Directives. Also, explain the purpose of directives in vue.js.

Directives are special attributes that can be applied to DOM elements. The \'v-\' prefix easily distinguishes these utilitarian properties and allows elements to demonstrate reactive and declarative behaviour ascribed to them.

Vue.js directives are used to apply common DOM transformations and data bindings declaratively, removing the need for specialized JavaScript code. They make it simple to apply behaviour to DOM components, improving code readability, understanding, and maintainability. Directive customization and extension can provide give additional functionality.

Some common directives in Vue.js include:

Consider the below code - 

<template>  <div>    <div v-if="showText">This text will only be displayed if showText is true.</div>    <div v-show="showText">This text will be hidden if showText is false.</div>    <ul>      <li v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">{{ item }}</li>    </ul>    <div v-bind:class="{ \'active\': isActive }">This element will have the \'active\' class if isActive is true.</div>    <button v-on:click="doSomething">Click me!</button>    <input v-model="message" type="text">    <p>You typed: {{ message }}</p>  </div></template><script>export default {  data() {    return {      showText: true,      items: [\'apple\', \'banana\', \'orange\'],      isActive: false,      message: \'\'    }  },  methods: {    doSomething() {      // Code to execute when the button is clicked    }  }};</script>

22. What is server-side rendering in Vue.js and how is it different from client-side rendering?

Server-side rendering (SSR) is a web dev trick that involves generating HTML content on the server and shipping it off to the client as a fully-formed HTML page. Vue.js backs up SSR and can be used along with client-side rendering to whip up all-purpose apps.

To view SSR in Vue.js, we have to use Node. js-based server to spit out the first HTML content. When a user asks for a page, the code on the server side creates the HTML content using Vue.js goodies and sends it to the player. Once the page is ready, the client-side code takes the snippets and updates the DOM as needed. This provides a seamless user experience.

23. How would you optimize the performance of a large Vue.js application?

Optimizing the performance of a large Vue.js application requires several solutions that address different areas of the application. Although adopting specific optimization procedures, combining techniques has proven to deliver the highest return. Consider the following strategies: -

24. What is Vuex and when would you use it in a Vue.js application?

Vuex is a state management pattern and library for Vue.js applications. It provides a centralized store to manage the state of the application and allows synchronization of data between components and predictably manages complex stateful logic.

Here are some common use cases for using Vuex in a Vue.js application:

25. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous components in Vue.js?

  Synchronous Components Asynchronous Components
Loading Time Loaded during app initialization. Loaded only when needed.
Import Statement ‘import’ statement in the main file. ‘import’ statement in the parent component.
Bundle Size Increases the initial bundle size. Reduces the initial bundle size.
Performance Impact Can impact the initial load time and performance of the app. Improves the initial load time and performance of the app.
Component Definition Defined synchronously in the parent component. Defined asynchronously using a factory function.
Usage in Templates Can be used directly in templates. Must be wrapped in a <component> tag with the is an attribute.
Dynamic Component Not suited for dynamically rendering components. Suited for dynamically rendering components.
Code Splitting Not possible to code split. Can be easily code split.

26. What is the difference between a functional component and a regular component in Vue.js?

  Functional Components Regular Components
Component Type Stateless and simpler. Stateful and complex.
Instance Lifecycle Hooks No instance creation or hooks. All instance hooks are available.
Render Function Defined as a single render function using the ‘functional’ option or shorthand syntax. Defined with a template or render function.
Data No data or methods. Can have data and methods.
Performance Better performance with less overhead. Lower performance overhead.
Communication with Parents Must use props and emit events. Can use props, events, and parent methods.

To Create a functional component, the syntax is - 

// Using the `functional` optionVue.component(\'my-functional-component\', {  functional: true,  render: function (createElement, context) {    // Render function logic here  }})// Using the shorthand syntaxexport default {  functional: true,  render: (h, context) => {    // Render function logic here  }}

To Create a regular component, the syntax is - 

// Using a templateVue.component(\'my-regular-component\', {  template: `    <div>      <!-- Template markup here -->    </div>  `,  data() {    return {      // Data properties here    }  },  methods: {    // Methods here  },  // Other instance options and hooks here})// Using a render functionVue.component(\'my-regular-component\', {  render: function (createElement) {    // Render function logic here  },  data() {    return {      // Data properties here    }  },  methods: {    // Methods here  },  // Other instance options and hooks here})

27. How would you integrate a third-party library into a Vue.js application?

To integrate a third-party library into a Vue.js application, we can follow the general steps:

  1. Install the library: We can use a package manager like npm or yarn to install the library as a dependency.
  2. Import the library: Import the library in the Vue.js application\'s entry point (e.g., main.js) using the appropriate syntax for the library. This may involve importing the library as a module, loading a script file from a CDN, or using a special plugin for the library.
  3. Use the library in your components: Depending on the library, we may need to configure it or initialize it before we can start using it in our Vue.js components. Then, we can use the library\'s APIs and functions in component methods, computed properties, or lifecycle hooks.

28. How would you implement lazy-loading in a Vue.js application?

Lazy loading is basically dividing the code. We can do this cool trick with Webpack, which is just a fancy way of bundling stuff for Vue CLI projects.  Here are the general steps to implement lazy-loading in a Vue.js application:

Consider the below example for the implementation of this - 

<!-- Template --><template>  <div>    <!-- Use v-lazy directive to lazy load the image -->    <img v-lazy="imageSrc" alt="Image">  </div></template><script>  import Vue from \'vue\';  import VueLazyload from \'vue-lazyload\';  export default {    data() {      return {        imageSrc: \'path/to/image.jpg\'      }    },    mounted() {      // Register the VueLazyload plugin with Vue      Vue.use(VueLazyload, {        // The factor by which to preload images, relative to the viewport height        preLoad: 1.3,        // The image to display when there is an error loading the image        error: \'path/to/error.png\',        // The image to display while the lazy image is loading        loading: \'path/to/loading.gif\',        // The number of times to attempt loading the image before giving up        attempt: 1      });    }  }</script>

29. Can you tell the difference between Vue.js, React, and Angular?

  Vue.js React Angular
Language It uses javascript. It also uses javascript. It uses typescript, a superset of JavaScript that adds features like static typing.
Template It uses HTML-Based templates. It uses JSX. JSX allows writing HTML Codes inside javascript. It also uses HTML-Based templates.
Size It is a small and compact framework. Size is less than 30KB. It is also a small and compact framework. Size is less than 30KB. Angular is a larger framework, with a size of more than 500 KB.
Rendering Vue.js is primarily a client-side rendering framework, which means it renders the entire application on the client side using JavaScript. Vue.js can also be used for server-side rendering. React is also primarily a client-side rendering framework, which means it renders the entire application on the client side using JavaScript.  Angular, on the other hand, is designed for both client-side and server-side rendering. It uses a special syntax called Angular Universal to allow you to render your application on the server-side
State Vue.js has an official state management library called Vuex, which provides a way to manage the state in a centralized and predictable manner. React, on the other hand, has an unofficial state management library called Redux, which has become very popular in React community. React also has a built-in (useState) hook which can be used for state management. Angular has built-in state management capabilities and uses a combination of services, observables, and the RxJS library to manage the state.

30. How would you handle authentication and authorization in a Vue.js application?

Authentication and authorization are critical aspects of web application development, and Vue.js provides several approaches to handle them. Some commonly used methods are:

31. What is a watcher in Vue.js? When would you use one?

In Vue.js, a watcher is a special object that allows us to watch for changes in a specific data property, and perform some action when that property changes.  Watchers are a key part of Vue.js\'s reactivity system, which automatically triggers the event and updates the view when data changes.

Watchers are particularly useful when we need to perform some action in response to changes in data that cannot be accomplished with computed properties or methods. 

For example, We might use a watcher to update a chart or graph in response to changes in a data source. Or maybe to trigger an API call when a specific data property changes.

32. What is the difference between mounted and created hooks in Vue.js?

Throughout their lifecycle, components experience numerous stages, where both created and mounted hooks function as tools to execute relevant actions. Although there is some difference between them. Those are - 

When a component is made, the "created" hook is instantly called and provides access to the component\'s data for tweaking. This hook can be utilized for organizational tasks such as configuring methods, data, and events that are necessary for the overall functionality of the component

As soon as the component\'s template has been compiled, rendered, and inserted into the Document Object Model (DOM), the "Mounted" hook comes into action. This hook is essential for executing any tasks that require the usage of DOM. This could involve setting up event listeners or kickstarting third-party libraries. 

33. Conclusion

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that is widely used for building complex, dynamic web applications. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting with Vue.js, it\'s essential to be well-prepared for a Vue.js job interview. This article covered some common Vue.js interview questions that you may encounter, including questions about Vue.js fundamentals, component architecture, routing, state management, and error handling. By studying and practising these questions, you can increase your chances of success and impress your interviewers with your Vue.js knowledge and skills. Remember to keep learning and staying up-to-date with the latest Vue.js features and best practices to become a proficient Vue.js developer. Certainly, here are some tips and tricks that you can follow for answering Vue.js interview questions.

34. What is Vue js good for?

Vue.js is good for building user interfaces and complex single-page applications with ease. Thanks to its easy-to-learn syntax, reactivity system, and component-based architecture. It is also lightweight, fast, and flexible, making it an excellent choice for developers who want to create responsive and interactive applications.

35. Is Vue js front end or back end?

Vue js is a front-end javascript library used for creating a lightweight single-page web application. It can communicate with APIs and provides a rich user experience.

36. How much does a Vue JS developer earn?

The average salary for a Vue.js developer in India is around ₹600,000 per year, according to Glassdoor. However, salaries can range from around ₹350,000 to over ₹1,500,000 per year, depending on factors such as the developer\'s experience level, location, company size, and industry.

37. Does Vue JS have a future?

Yes, We can conclude that Vue.js has a bright future due to its simplicity, flexibility, and performance. Its reactivity system makes it easy to build complex user interfaces with minimal code. Additionally, its growing community and constant updates ensure it will remain a popular choice for front-end development.

38. What can Vue js be used for?

Vue.js can be used to build complex single-page applications, dynamic user interfaces, and reusable components. It can also be used for server-side rendering, mobile app development, and desktop app development. In general, Vue.js is a versatile and flexible framework that can be used for a wide range of web development projects.

39. How to explain your projects in (Vue.js) interviews?

You can start by providing a brief introduction to Vue.js and its core features and how it’s relevant to your project. This will help the interviewer understand the context of your project. Other than that, consider some below points that you should keep in mind while answering -

Remember to keep your answers brief and to the point, focusing on the most important aspects of your project.

40. Interview Tips

Certainly, there are some tips and tricks that you can follow for answering Vue.js interview questions: